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KRE~ative ConsultingArtwork Business Redesigns for Small Businesses

Redesigns for Small Businesses

There are many things to consider when you decided to take the steps to redesign your online presences or creating your first major web presence for your company.  Many of which small business either don’t consider, or think they are outside of their budgets.
You’ve heard all the terms and have a fairly good understanding of what it is, but how can it benefit you, as a small business, to incorporate these standards into your site build?

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~ Donald Rumsfeld

Here are just a few of the things that the larger companies do to make sure their web presence is on pare for the next few years of existence.  Consider adding them to your your next redesign project or at least have the discussion.

User Research Testing
Many larger companies and their digital agencies do extensive testing with their users to ensure that they are aware content their users are accessing the most & making sure it’s easy for them to find it.
Content Strategy Planning
Not only is it important to know what content your users are accessing, but finding out what valuable content they are missing.  What paths are they taking to get to the information they came for?    A good content strategy has your users feeling more accomplished when visiting your site, than frustrated that they can’t find what they came for.
Thoughtful Design with a Mobile First Approach
While the design is the fun part right?  Your opportunity to point out every thing you love on every website you’ve visited and what you hate about some.  A good design agency will tell you what will and won’t work for your market and target audience.  And clue you into what you just might be missing.  Just because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should be.
Responsive and mobile design are a norm in the industry now.  Be sure your digital agency take a mobile first approach, not just with the layout of the design, but the flow of the content as well.
Integration Isn’t an Afterthought
What online systems are you using that could be integrated with your website?  How can you leverage those tools within your website?  Integration shouldn’t only be used for lead generation and tracking, you can also use it create a better user experience overall.
Be sure to take some time to discuss your tools, how you use them and how your website can simplify your things for you and your users.

I hope this is helpful as you plan out your redesign project and finding a partner that work well for you.
If you like this, I will be hosting a once a month tech web series every 3rd Thursday of the month starting in July.  I plan on  discussing some of these points as well as answering questions about  maintaining a your asset long term.
The first session is FREE to join.  I hope you’ll join the discussion!
Summer Tech~Fest 2017


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